Mold under Laminate Flooring

Mold under Laminate Flooring

Often homeowners overlook the possibility of the existence of mold under laminate flooring. It’s hidden, out of sight, and therefore, out of mind.

However, mold is not the foe you want to ignore. Left unnoticed and untreated, it can lead to serious health issues such as allergies, skin irritation, and respiratory problems. Not to mention, it can significantly devalue your house and compromise the safety of your home structure.

Early detection and action are key to preventing mold from risking your health and the integrity of your home. Fully understanding what causes mold, recognizing earlier signs, knowing what to do once it’s found, and learning how to prevent it under your laminate flooring are all essential for every homeowner’s guide to a healthy and secure residence.

Signs of Mold Under Laminate Flooring

If you’re unaware, mold thrives in damp, humid environments and can cause serious issues to your house structure and even your health. Sometimes, the mold hides beneath surfaces where it’s often overlooked, like under laminate flooring. Spotting the signs early can make all the difference. So, let’s identify common signs and symptoms of mold under laminate flooring.

  • Musty Odor: Mold often gives off a distinctive musty smell. If you notice a persistent and unusual odor in certain rooms of your house, you may be dealing with a mold problem.
  • Discoloration or Dark Spots: A clear sign of mold is discoloration or dark spots on your laminate flooring.
  • Bubbling or Warping: When mold grows beneath the laminate, it can cause the laminate layer to bubble up or warp.
  • Allergic Reactions: Increased allergy symptoms like sneezing, coughing, eye irritation, and skin rashes when you’re at home could be related to mold presence.

Causes of Mold Under Laminate Flooring

One of the most distressing sights for a homeowner to discover is mold under their laminate flooring. And before addressing this issue, it’s essential to understand the root causes, as this knowledge can help prevent future occurrences.

Exploring the Common Causes and Contributors

  • Moisture: Undoubtedly, the most common cause of mold under laminate flooring is moisture. This can result from spills, leaks, or high humidity but could also be due to moisture seeping up from the concrete subfloor.
  • Poor Installation: When laminate flooring is not properly installed, it can allow moisture to creep in, creating an ideal breeding ground for mold.
  • Lack of Proper Ventilation: Areas with poor ventilation can create a humid environment, encouraging mold growth under your laminate flooring.

By recognizing these causes, one can take actionable measures to combat and prevent mold growth under their laminate flooring. Look out for these signals as early detection and action could save you significant time, money, and stress in the long run.

What to Do When You Discover Mold

Finding mold under your laminate flooring can be quite a shock. Not to worry though, this section will guide you on the necessary steps to take when you spot this unwelcome guest.

Step-by-Step Guide on Addressing the Issue

  1. Assess the Situation: The first thing you should do is to assess the extent of the damage. Is the mold spread across a large area or it’s just in a small spot?
  2. Call for Help: It’s advisable to call in a professional if the mold infestation is extensive. Search online for reputable mold remediation services in your locality.
  3. Safety Measures: Before starting the removal process, ensure you put on personal protective gear to prevent contact with the mold.
  4. Remove the Flooring: Once you’re ready, start by carefully pulling out the affected planks of laminate flooring.
  5. Treat the Area: Treat the affected area with a mold-killing product. Ensure you follow the instructions on the product’s label.
  6. Dry Out the Area: Dry out the area thoroughly after treatment. You should consider using a dehumidifier to get rid of excess moisture.

Don’t forget, safety first, then make sure the mold is completely removed, and finally, replace your laminate flooring.

How to Prevent Mold Under Laminate Flooring

Preventing mold growth under your laminate flooring is important, not only for the aesthetic of your home but for your health. Here are some effective tips and practices that can help prevent the growth of mold:

Effective Tips and Practices for Prevention

  1. Maintain a healthy indoor humidity level: The Environmental Protection Agency recommends maintaining indoor humidity between 30-50% to prevent the growth of mold.
  2. Ensure good airflow: Good airflow in your home can help to keep moisture levels down. This can be achieved by using fans, air conditioners, and dehumidifiers.
  3. Regularly clean and inspect your floors: Cleaning your floors regularly can help prevent the accumulation of moisture. Furthermore, routine inspection of your laminate flooring can help to catch any potential mold issues early.
  4. Address leaks promptly: Addressing any leaks immediately is key to preventing moisture buildup, and by extension, mold growth under your laminate flooring.

Professional Mold Remediation Services

There comes a time when mold beneath your laminate flooring festers to the point where DIY cleaning just won’t cut it. But don’t fret, professional mold remediation services are there for you in such cases.

When and Why You Might Need Professional Intervention

When? – If the mold has covered an area larger than 10 square feet, or if the musty odor persists despite repeated cleaning attempts.

Why? – Professional mold remediation services are equipped with the necessary tools and expertise to effectively handle extensive mold infestations. These experienced experts use a systematic approach to locate, identify, and safely and thoroughly eradicate mold from your home, thus reducing risks to your health and preventing future mold growth.

Health Concerns and Risks

Mold exposure can lead to several health implications, specifically for individuals with allergies, respiratory conditions, or weakened immune systems. Some potential health risks associated with mold under laminate flooring include:

  • Allergic reactions: These can range from sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, and skin rash. People with serious allergies to mold may have severe reactions, including shortness of breath.
  • Asthma attacks: For people with asthma, mold can trigger asthma attacks.
  • Respiratory problems: In some people, mold can cause serious lung infections or respiratory illnesses.

It’s crucial to address mold under laminate flooring promptly to prevent these health risks and maintain a safe and healthy living environment.


In conclusion, mold under laminate flooring is a serious issue that should not be overlooked. It’s essential to not only be aware of the signs to look out for but also understand the causes to effectively prevent it.

Taking action at the earliest signs can save significantly on costly repairs and possible health issues. Remember to regularly check for signs such as discoloration, warping, or a musty smell. Keep your home adequately ventilated, limit moisture in your home, and always clean spills quickly.

Most importantly, maintaining a healthy living environment is all about timely preventive measures. Regular cleaning, adequate ventilation, humidity control, and rapid response to water leakage can help ward off the nasty molds.


I enjoy acquiring knowledge and sharing it. I am a long-time health advisor and blogger for over 12 years. Understanding the dangers of black mold to people, I felt it necessary to share with readers the basics of fighting and preventing black mold in homes and other living spaces.

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